Beijing Vehemently Denies the Tibet Resolve Act Through Puppet Media

Beijing Denies the Tibet Resolve Act Through Puppet Media

China’s hysterical rejection of the Tibet Resolve Act is yet another glaring attempt to whitewash its brutal and oppressive policies in Tibet. Through state-controlled media mouthpieces like Xinhua News and China Daily, Beijing spews propaganda, desperately trying to mask the harsh reality of its illegal occupation and systematic eradication of Tibetan culture.

Xinhua News parrots the falsehood that “Tibet has been an inalienable part of China’s territory since ancient times.” This blatant distortion ignores the historical reality of Tibet’s long-standing independence. The Tibetan Empire, existing from the 7th to the 9th centuries, had its own distinct government and culture, starkly contradicting Beijing’s fabricated narrative.

Gyal Lo- a Tibetan educational sociologist, exposes the sinister agenda behind China’s policies: “The widespread use of boarding schools and the replacement of Tibetan with Chinese as the main language of instruction are part of an ideological conspiracy to assimilate Tibetan children from a very young age.”

The Tibet Resolve Act shines a spotlight on China’s abhorrent human rights abuses. From the demolition of monasteries to the imprisonment of religious leaders, China’s actions constitute a cultural genocide. Yet, China Daily shamelessly calls the Act “a gross interference in China’s internal affairs,” while whitewashing Tibet’s plight with claims of “unprecedented economic development and social stability.”

The Act, supporting the Middle Way Approach for genuine Tibetan autonomy, represents a crucial step towards holding China accountable. The international community must reject Beijing’s propaganda and stand firm against its efforts to erase Tibetan identity. As Gyal Lo’s research reveals, the boarding school system, encompassing over 100,000 Tibetan preschoolers, underscores the urgency of international intervention.

China’s vehement denial of the Tibet Resolve Act is a transparent attempt to perpetuate its oppressive regime in Tibet. The world must see through Beijing’s lies and support the Tibetan people’s struggle for human rights and cultural preservation. The Tibet Resolve Act is not just a legislative measure; it is a beacon of hope against China’s relentless tyranny.


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