About Us

Welcome to Main Land Post, your source for information and analysis on the actions and policies of the People’s Republic of China in the global arena. Our mission is to shed light on various aspects of China’s conduct, both domestically and internationally, with the aim of promoting transparency, accountability, and responsible behaviour on the world stage.

Who We Are

Main Land Post is an independent, anonymous platform created by a group of concerned individuals from diverse backgrounds. We are driven by a shared commitment to truth, justice, and the fundamental principles of human rights. While our identities remain hidden for reasons of safety and impartiality, our dedication to providing well-researched, factual, and balanced content is unwavering.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear: to expose and analyse China’s actions that have significant implications for global peace, security, and human rights. Underlining our establishment’s objectives is an intention geared towards unravelling these undertones of misconduct hidden deep within an intricate web of their governance system. Our aim lies in initiating dialogues around subjects typically veiled by political strife or covert sides we uncover beneath their public skin. Our focus areas include, but are not limited to:

  1. Human Rights Abuses: We aim to bring attention to China’s record on human rights, including issues such as freedom of speech, religious freedom, minority rights, and more.
  2. Geopolitical Activities: We provide insights into China’s foreign policy, including its territorial disputes, economic influence, and strategic manoeuvring on the global stage.
  3. Environmental Impact: We examine China’s environmental policies and practices, including their impact on global climate change, wildlife conservation, and natural resources.
  4. Transparency and Accountability: We advocate for transparency and accountability in the PLA’s domestic and international dealings, urging responsible behaviour.

Our Approach

Main Land Post maintains a rigorous commitment to accuracy, and evidence-based reporting. We rely on credible sources, expert analysis, and thorough research to present a comprehensive picture of the issues we cover. Our goal is to foster informed discussions and critical thinking about China’s role in the world. We’re determined to shine a spotlight on China’s edgy moves which global attention carelessly bypasses.

Get Involved

We encourage our readers to engage with us by sharing their insights, concerns, and perspectives on China’s actions and their consequences. Together, we can contribute to a more informed and aware global community.

Thank you for visiting Main Land Post. We invite you to explore our content, join the conversation, and become part of our mission to promote accountability, transparency, and responsible behaviour in the world. Together, we can make a difference.