Revisionist Revelries and the Dalai Drama: Debunking China’s Theatrical Claim to...

Revisionist History and the Convenient Erasure of Tibetan Agency- Continuing our saga, the fall of the Qing and the rise of the Republic of China...

Boarding Schools and Bulldozers: China’s Masterclass in Tibetan Assimilation and Land...

Imagine a utopia where every child gets a first-rate education, and every local official is just another altruistic real estate agent. Welcome to Tibet,...

Cultural Cleansing in Disguise: Exposing China’s Sinister Tibetan Boarding School Agenda

In an audacious display of propaganda, the Chinese government, through its state-run media, has launched a charm offensive aimed at dispelling growing international concerns...

Debunking Historical Myths: Tibet’s Status During the Ming Dynasty

The historical relationship between Tibet and China during the Ming Dynasty is often misconstrued, with many sources claiming Tibet was part of China. However,...

Administrative Ghosts and Colonial Fantasies: Unmasking China’s Mythical Claims on Tibet

The Qing’s Administrative Ghost Town: Tibet Imagine a kingdom where officials are supposed to govern but don’t actually exist on paper. Welcome to Tibet under...

Tibet’s Job Dilemma: Loyalty vs. Religious Freedom

In Tibet, individuals aspiring to secure public sector jobs face a stringent Chinese requirement: they must renounce the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of...

Why the Dalai Lama Reincarnation Dispute Matters: A Critical Look at...

The recent trip of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the USA for knee treatment has once again brought to the forefront the contentious issue of his reincarnation, an issue that lies at the heart of the ongoing struggle between Tibetan spiritual traditions and Chinese political ambitions. The Chinese government’s attempts to control the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, much like their actions regarding the Panchen Lama, reveal a deeply hypocritical stance that seeks to undermine Tibetan identity and religious freedom.

From Tibet to Taiwan: The CCP’s Unrelenting Campaign of Repression and...

In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has intensified its aggressive stance towards Taiwan, echoing the tactics it employed during the invasion of Tibet. This article explores the unsettling similarities between China's historical and contemporary actions, drawing from recent reports and historical analysis.
A scathing graphic focusing on the medias role in fueling xenophobia in China The image features a large old-fashioned television set at the center

The Communist Party’s Warped Nationalism: Xenophobia on the Rise and Blood...

In a chilling reminder of the dangers of unchecked nationalism, a Japanese mother and her child were recently stabbed while waiting for a school bus in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. This horrific incident, hardly acknowledged by the government, is yet another example of the growing xenophobia fueled by the Chinese Communist Party. The attack, swiftly dismissed as an "accidental incident" by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning, follows a similar pattern of violence against foreigners, including the stabbing of multiple Americans in Jilin Province earlier this month.