US Govt Passes Law To Resolve China’s Occupation Of Tibet


Washington DC: On July 12, 2024, the US govt took a definitive stand against China’s decades-long occupation of Tibet by signing into law the “Resolve Tibet Act,” a pivotal legislation that challenges China’s narrative and asserts America’s commitment to Tibetan autonomy and human rights.

The Resolve Tibet Act, officially titled the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act, underscores America’s stance that the Tibet issue must be resolved peacefully, in accordance with international law, through direct dialogue without preconditions. This bold move by the Biden administration marks a significant departure from previous US policies and signals unwavering support for the Tibetan cause.

“The Resolve Tibet Act cuts to the heart of China’s brutal treatment of the Tibetan people,” remarked Tencho Gyatso, President of the International Campaign for Tibet, emphasizing the Act’s pivotal role in confronting China’s repression of Tibetan culture and identity.

The legislation recognizes Tibetans as a distinct people with their own religious, cultural, linguistic, and historical identity, rebuking China’s false claims that Tibet has been an integral part of China since ancient times. It empowers Tibetans by countering Chinese disinformation and promoting dialogue between Beijing and Tibetan leaders, including the Dalai Lama.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) highlighted the Act’s significance, stating, “This law will help put the people of Tibet in charge of their future.” This sentiment echoes the Dalai Lama’s calls for genuine autonomy and self-determination for Tibetans under international law.

The Central Tibetan Administration welcomed the Act, heralding it as a crucial step in countering Chinese propaganda and supporting Tibetan rights. In Dharamshala, a memorial event for Tibetan freedom fighter Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche underscored the ongoing struggle for Tibetan independence, calling on China to release political prisoners and respect human rights.

Outside Tibet, organizations like Students for a Free Tibet celebrated the Act’s passage, emphasizing its potential to amplify Tibetan voices and bolster global solidarity for Tibet’s freedom. “This law will amplify our ability to echo the will of the Tibetan people,” the NGO stated, reflecting widespread optimism among activists.
For China, the signing of the Resolve Tibet Act represents a diplomatic setback and a clear message of condemnation from the international community. Beijing’s continued repression in Tibet now faces heightened scrutiny, with the US and other nations poised to coordinate efforts aimed at achieving a negotiated settlement that respects Tibetan autonomy.

As consequences unfold, China may face increased diplomatic pressure and international isolation over its Tibet policies. The Act’s provisions for countering disinformation and promoting dialogue set a precedent for global human rights advocacy, challenging authoritarian regimes like China to uphold international norms and respect the rights of oppressed peoples.


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