The Great Lie:”Democracy” and the Persecution of Tibetan Writers In Tibet

An evocative graphic showing an empty book and a pen. The hand holding the pen is handcuffed, symbolizing the suppression of freedom of expression. Th

In the shadow of China’s grandiose claims of being a superior democracy, the truth emerges from the depths of its prisons, where Tibetan writers and activists are being systematically silenced. Despite Beijing’s assertion of having a “whole-process people’s democracy,” the reality for Tibetans is starkly different, marred by brutal repression and gross human rights violations.

In recent years, China has escalated its crackdown on Tibetan intellectuals and writers, targeting them for their courage to express dissent and uphold their cultural identity. According to a report by the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT), six notable Tibetan writers and former political prisoners were recently sentenced to prison terms ranging from four to fourteen years on charges of “inciting separatism” and “endangering state security.” Among these brave individuals are:
• Gangkye Drubpa Kyab: Sentenced to 14 years for his writings and activism.
• Tsering Dolma: Given 8 years, previously beaten and detained multiple times for protesting Chinese rule.
• Samdup: Also sentenced to 8 years, had already endured a five-year prison term for his activism.
• Gangbu Yudrum: Received a 7-year sentence, having previously been imprisoned for raising the Tibetan national flag.
• Seynam: Sentenced to 6 years, known for his environmental and educational efforts.
• Pema Rinchen: Serving 4 years, arrested for his critical writings on Chinese policies.
These writers have been subjected to severe conditions in Chinese prisons, including torture, forced labor, and inadequate food, leading to serious health complications such as malnourishment, loss of vision, heart and kidney problems, and mental distress.

China’s audacious claim of being a superior democracy is nothing but a facade. As highlighted by Nectar Gan and Steve George from CNN, Beijing has ramped up its propaganda efforts to present its authoritarian regime as a “true democracy.” In reality, China’s ruling Communist Party has maintained its grip on power for over seven decades, with no separation of powers, independent judiciary, freedom of association, or free elections – all essential elements of a democracy as defined by international standards.

The Freedom to Write index by Pen America reveals a grim milestone: China has jailed more than 100 writers, with nearly half imprisoned for their online expressions. This accounts for almost one-third of the world’s jailed writers, showcasing China’s position as the leading incarcerator of intellectuals. The vague charge of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” has been used arbitrarily to silence dissent, as seen in the case of citizen journalist Zhang Zhan, who has been imprisoned since 2020 for reporting on the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan.

Tibetan writers play a crucial role in preserving their cultural heritage and promoting the identity of their people. Their works, such as Gangkye Drubpa Kyab’s “The Blood-red Chronicles of 2008,” serve as poignant reminders of the ongoing struggle against Chinese repression. These writers’ voices are indispensable in the fight for justice and the preservation of Tibetan culture.
Yet, China’s relentless crackdown on these voices starkly contradicts its proclaimed efforts to improve freedom of expression. The imprisonment and harsh treatment of Tibetan writers underscore the hollow nature of China’s claims and highlight the urgent need for international intervention and advocacy.

The international community must not turn a blind eye to these injustices. The ICT has called for the release of all detained Tibetan writers and urged governments and UN bodies to address these human rights abuses in their communications with China. It is imperative to stand in solidarity with the Tibetan people and demand true democratic freedoms and justice.


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